§ 1008. Easements.  

Latest version.
  • Easements having a minimum width of ten feet and located along the rear lot lines shall be provided for utility lines, and underground mains and cables.

    Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel, or stream, there shall be provided a closed stormwater or drainage system of adequate size and type as determined by the registered civil engineer. When the drainage conditions warrant, the planning commission may require a ten-foot easement between lots to be divided equally among the lots.


    A five-foot wide utility easement or right-of-way shall be required in addition to the easements and right-of-way of the city along all roads to be dedicated to public use in the subdivision.


    The five-foot easement shall run contiguous and parallel to the outer edge of easements and rights-of-way of the city along all roads to be dedicated to public use in all subdivisions heretofore constructed.

(Mo. of 4-12-82; Ord. of 10-22-01)